~ : karakspeak : ~

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

First Viva and the Big Hole...

Strange !!?? Wouldn't be when you read through !!

So finally after lazily submitting the two monthly reports we got the first feel of our real project term. March 3, we had our first mid semester viva regarding our 6'th sem project. And what turned out to be just a peice of formality and trouble for us poor souls who have to 'rail' down from so faaaaar off places.. :| Anyways, no sweat, after all we have to finish our degrees, so no complaints :D

Now for the Big Hole.. ;) If your mind drifted to some filthy thoughts, blame it to my reputation, but its not what i have to tell you. The Big Hole was no where by in the wallet.. and the saaadest part is the wallet was mine. First time to college after we started rakin cash, the ferocious juniors pounced on us from all directions and we poor souls were as if standing naked without any protection. We tried hard, tried to seem busy in dept with viva, played vollyball instead of going to canteen, slept till long into the afternoon, but it happened.. finally did.. the Big Hole.. All that we, at least I, saved from the first month's cheque, seeped out like water oozing from sponges.. :|

But the dinner was good :) and as always being with your gang, you always have that kick in you, you always fly high.. :)

Me coincidently had 2 dinners within 3 hours.. and both the time i was the host, or one among the host, so had a bigger dent to my favour than my gangs who shared the Big Hole..

We released our new tee also during the trip.. The Bad Boyz, office edition. On special demand from few of our cores, we came out with the formal polo tee with our logo sewed over it. Looks too good. Steel Gray and red stitchings. Cool..

Now we all are back in our offices.. Safe, sound and in one peice with jus the Hole left behind.. :)

Let the sprits flow.. :)


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